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About game is an exciting action adventure multiplayer IO game similar to The main task is to fight and defeat your opponents by eating them. The game is interesting and addictive. You will definitely have a good time if you love this type of games. 

How to play in

It is possible to play it online, and you only need an appropriate internet connection and a computer.  The biggest player is the strongest and the most powerful one. You have to grow as much as you can in order to overreach your enemies by becoming larger than them. 

That's why you have to eat your opponents because you will grow further after you eat the enemies. There are several game modes, and you should definitely try all of them in order to find the most appropriate one for yourself. 


  • If you want to split, press space
  • Click W to spit out mass
  • The pointer is followed by cell

As Grizix we offer unblocked servers on our page. You can download the mods to upgrade the game of your taste and start playing

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